Welfare fraud costs the US
government millions of dollars in losses annually. Some states have even issued
awards to those who wish to come forward to report welfare benefits fraud.
Welfare fraud is executed when a criminal gives false reporting
The federal government and law enforcement officials have banned together to
create the “United Council on Welfare Fraud”. The United Council on
Welfare Fraud is made of investigators, administrators, eligibility
workers, and claims writers from local, state, and federal agencies. The United
Council on Welfare Fraud also promotes awareness of welfare benefits fraud,
investigates welfare benefits fraud, prosecutes those who commit welfare fraud,
and trains people on how to investigate welfare fraud. Their CWFI (Certified
Welfare Fraud Investigation) program is open to people who want to be certified
as a welfare fraud investigator. The UCWF also supports the State Welfare Fraud
Directors. The State Welfare Fraud Directors meet a couple times a year to
discusses the issues regarding welfare fraud and possible solutions.