There are a variety of Better Business Bureau forms, depending on the type of complaint being filed. Complaints may be filed directly against an employer or against a company that has conducted business in a manner that is illegal.
Tampering with the mailbox is a federal offense. Tampering with a mailbox may include putting fliers or mail in the mailbox without the proper postage affixed. Tampering with a mailbox may also include the removal or destruction of a mailbox.
In order for mail to be delivered according to federal guidelines, it must have the proper postage affixed. The mail must then be placed in an outgoing mailbox or in a personal mailbox with a flag up, signaling that there is mail to be picked up. Mail may not be inserted into a personal mailbox without the proper postage affixed. In addition, it may not be inserted into another person’s mailbox. In fact, only authorized mail carriers may insert mail into a mailbox.
Tampering with the mailbox is a federal offense and it is often prosecuted, especially when damage or vandalism of the mailbox or of mail, is involved.