Home Countefeiting Designer Clothes What You Need to Know About Countefeiting Designer Clothes

What You Need to Know About Countefeiting Designer Clothes

What You Need to Know About Countefeiting Designer Clothes

Over the years the production and distribution of counterfeit clothes has increased tremendously. This is due to increases in technology, which offer new avenues for consumers to buy and sell. The Internet alone allows consumers across the world to buy counterfeit items from any country.
Historically, counterfeit clothing has been sold in villages and communities throughout the world. After gaining popularity, distribution moved to nearby communities. Presently, counterfeit clothing can be sold to any consumer around the world. Since counterfeit clothing is illegal, many manufacturers ship clothing over through the mail. This method has also proven to be very affective. Counterfeiting clothing is illegal due to copyright laws that exist to protect designers. The problem arises when nations without copyright laws distribute counterfeit clothes. 
To combat counterfeit clothes anti-counterfeiting technology has been created to detect fake designer textiles. In some instances a designer can sew in unique patterns that can be used to detect counterfeits. Most of the anti counterfeiting technologies focus on the designer labels or logos more than any part of the clothing. Many designer labels use logos on the outsides of their clothing to make fashion statements as well as advertise their brand. Products like the Verifii TT are used to pick up on these unique sewed in patters, labels, and logos.
Anti counterfeiting technology is used in an effort to put an end to counterfeit clothing sales to ignorant stores and consumers. Using ultra violet light, this anti counterfeiting technology will reflect the light off the label to detect a fake. The specifics of how the light should reflect off of the label will be kept secret so that manufacturers cannot reproduce the labels.
Many times, labels will be ordered for one one hundred thousand designer pieces, and the half of those labels will be copied in order to produce fake versions of those pieces. Anti counterfeit technology is needed to stop counterfeit distribution throughout the world.